- GUIDELINES OF THE ROMANIAN RAILWAY SAFETY AUTHORITY – ASFR drawn up in accordance with the provisions of article 10 paragraph (3) letter (b) of DIRECTIVE (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 regarding railway safety and with the requirements provided for in articles 3 paragraph (8) and 5 paragraph (1) of the IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2018/763 of the Commission of April 9, 2018 establishing the practical methods for issuing single safety certificates for railway companies pursuant to Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and Council and repealing Regulation (EC) no. 653/2007 of the Commission (revision 1 - January 2021)
- Guide - Issuance of verification reports and the list of identification data of motor railway vehicles, for a railway transport operator, in order to issue the single safety certificate
- Guide - Request for the Evaluation Report drawn up for motor rail vehicles of a non-ERI rail transport operator
- GUIDELINES for the type authorization and/or authorization of the market introduction of railway vehicles
- Guide - Allocation of vehicle keeper markings (VKM)
- RDD Romania
- The technical norms assigned to the parameters established by Decision 2009/965/EC - used to authorize the commissioning of vehicles not compliant with the TSI
- Guide to the application of the Commission Regulation on the adoption of a common safety method for risk assessment provided for in art. 6 paragraph (3) letter a) of the Railway Safety Directive
- Set of examples of risk assessments and possible tools in support of the MSC Regulation
- Guidelines for risk assessment
- Guide for changing the driver's license and granting periodic visas to the authorizations of personnel with traffic safety responsibilities
- ASFR methodology regarding safety supervision
- Methodology - Granting of the certificate of conformity to entities responsible for maintenance and the certificate of conformity for maintenance functions outsourced by an entity responsible for maintenance
- Methodology regarding the implementation of the provisions of art. 1, para. (1), lit. a) from OMTI no. 900 from 2023
- Themes and bibliography according to the provisions of art. 1, para. (1), lit. a) from OMTI no. 900 from 2023
- ASFR appeal commission regulation
- Methodology regarding the approval of the regulations for the operation of heritage, museum or touristic narrow-gauge railways
- Methodology regarding the approval of the regulations for the operation of heritage, museum or touristic narrow-gauge railways
- NOTE regarding the charging of the provisional approval activity / approval of the operating regulations for heritage, museum or touristic narrow-gauge railways
- Methodology for the independent assessment carried out by ASFR regarding the application of the risk management process described in Regulation (EU) no. 402/2013
- Application for the Certificate of Compliance of the entity responsible for maintenance: [PDF] , [WORD]
- Application for Certificate of Conformity for maintenance functions: [PDF] , [WORD]
- Vehicle Owner Marking (VKM) request form: [PDF] , [WORD]
- Application model for the granting of temporary authorization for railway vehicles: [PDF] , [WORD]
- Model Technical Compliance Report, for issuing the ev. Report. and VFM data list: [PDF] , [WORD]
- Model application for the issuance of Verification Reports and the List of VFM identification data: [PDF] , [WORD]
- Cerere de Certificat de conformitate pentru funcții de întreținere
- Model cerere atestare manager de transport
- Model CERERE pentru examinarea în vederea atestării profesionale a personalului de specialitate care asigură pregătirea prin cursuri de calificare profesională/ specializare/ perfecţionare într-o ocupaţie specifică transportului feroviar, formarea profesională, autorizarea, evaluarea competenţelor profesionale generale/specifice ale personalului cu responsabilităţi în siguranţa circulaţiei (Cf D41, D42, D43)
- Model cerere atestare responsabil SC-LFI
- Model cerere eliberare atestat responsabil SC-LFI
- Model cerere atestare RC-OC.SC
- Model cerere atestare RM-OC.SC
- Attestation application model RSMS_ADM-GEST
- Model cerere participare curs pregatire consilier de siguranţă
- Model cerere participare curs recapitulativ consilier de siguranta
- Model cerere participare curs pregatire RSMS
- Model cerere participare curs recapitulativ RSMS
- Model cerere pentru obtinerea declaratiei recunoastere examinatori mecanici de locomotiva (actualizat 2024)
- Model cerere pentru acordarea "Declaratiei de recunoastere a centrelor de formare a mecanicilor de locomotiva"
- Formular "Cerere de eliberare a permisului de mecanic de locomotiva"
- Model cerere acordare autorizatie de exploatare a liniei ferate industriale
- Model cerere aprobare regulament tehnic de exploatare a liniilor ferate industriale
- Model cerere emitere aviz AFER pentru construirea, modificarea sau desfiintarea liniilor ferate industriale