
The Romanian Railway Safety Authority – ASFR, headquartered in Bucharest, Sector 1, Calea Griviței, no. 393, is inviting applications for two single vacant, contractual positions, in accordance with the provisions of the Framework Regulation on the organization and career development of contractual personnel in the budgetary sector paid from public funds, approved by GD no. 1336/2022 in conjunction with the provisions of Law no. 195/2020 on the status of railway personnel, with subsequent amendments and supplements, positions for which an employment contract is concluded for an indefinite period with a working time of 8 hours / day, 5 days / week:

  1. A position of STATE INSPECTOR grade IA within the Railway Safety Regulations Department
  2. A position of PLANNING / SUMMARIES TECHNICIAN with archivist duties, which is found in the Staff List of the Human Resources Service, MC, SSM, SU.

The general conditions that candidates will meet, according to the provisions of the Framework Regulation on the organization and career development of contractual personnel in the budgetary sector paid from public funds, approved by Government Decision no. 1336/2022 in conjunction with the provisions of Law no. 195/2020 on the status of railway personnel, with subsequent amendments and completions, are:

a) have Romanian citizenship or the citizenship of another member state of the European Union, of a state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) or the citizenship of the Swiss Confederation;

b) know the Romanian language, written and spoken;

c) have work capacity in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 53/2003 - Labor Code, republished, with subsequent amendments and completions;

d) have a state of health appropriate to the position for which they are applying, certified based on the medical certificate issued by the family doctor or by the authorized health units;

e) meets the requirements of education, seniority in the specialty and, as the case may be, other specific conditions according to the requirements of the position put up for competition;

f) has not been definitively convicted of committing a crime against national security, against authority, against humanity, corruption or official offenses, crimes of forgery or against the administration of justice, crimes committed with intent that would make a person candidate for the position incompatible with the exercise of the contractual position for which he/she is running, except in the case where rehabilitation has occurred;

g) is not serving a complementary sentence by which he/she was prohibited from exercising the right to hold the position, to exercise the profession or job or to carry out the activity that was used to commit the crime or the security measure of prohibiting the holding of a position or the exercise of a profession has not been taken against him/her;

Links: - The Government of Romania - Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications - European Railway Agency

Calea Grivitei, Nr.393, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania
Secretariat: +4021.307.7968

Accounting : +4021.307.6886
Invoicing : +4021.307.6898