• OG no. 14/2023 regarding the reorganization of some public institutions in the railway field under the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
  • HG no. 309/2023 regarding the organization and functioning of the Romanian Railway Safety Authority - ASFR
  • OMTI no. 1.471/07.08.2023 with the changes and additions brought by OMTI 1185 of June 19, 2024 regarding the approval of tariffs for the provision of specific activities performed by ASFR


  • OUG no. 73/2019 regarding railway safety, approved by Law no. 71/2020

  • HG no. 108/2020 regarding the interoperability of the railway system


  • Law no. 202/04.11.2016 regarding the integration of the Romanian railway system into the single European railway space

  • HG no. 361/24.05.2018 regarding the approval of procedures for granting licenses in the field of rail transport, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, part I, no. 482/12.06.2018

  • OMTIC no. 932/30.04.2020 on measures for the application of Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/763 of 9 April 2018 establishing the practical methods for issuing single safety certificates for railway companies pursuant to Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and Council and repealing Regulation (EC) no. 653/2007 of the Commission and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/762 of the Commission of March 8, 2018 establishing common safety methods regarding safety management system requirements, based on Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Regulations (EU) no. 1,158/2010 and (EU) no. 1.169/2010 of the Commission and the issuance of unique safety certificates to railway transport operators for the performance of railway passenger and/or freight transport services on railways in Romania

  • OMTIC no. 743/05.03.2020 for issuing the single safety certificate to operators who only carry out railway shunting on Romanian railways


  • OMTIC no. 908/2020 on measures for the application of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/545 of April 4, 2018 establishing practical modalities for the process of authorization of railway vehicles and type authorization of railway vehicles under Directive (EU) 2016/797 of the European Parliament and the Council

  • Law no. 203/2003 regarding the realization, development and modernization of the transport network of national and European interest 

  • OMT no. 1484/2014 regarding measures for the application of Commission Decision 2007/756/EC of November 9, 2007 adopting a common specification of the national vehicle register provided for in Article 14 paragraphs (4) and (5) of Directives 96/48/EC and 2001/16/EC

  • OMTI no. 315/2011 regarding the approval of the Railway Normative Railway Vehicles. Types of planned overhauls and repairs. The time norms or the norms of kilometers traveled for carrying out planned revisions and repairs.


  • OMTI no. 1650/2023 regarding the supervision of railway and metro transport operations by the Romanian Railway Safety Authority - ASFR 

  • OMT no. 1503/29.10.2014 for the implementation of Regulation (EU) no. 1078/2012 regarding a common safety method for the monitoring that railway undertakings and infrastructure managers must apply after receiving a safety certificate or an authorization safety, as well as the entities responsible for maintenance.


  • HG no. 527 of 2023 regarding the establishment of measures to ensure the application of EU Regulation no. 782 of 2021
  • OMTI no. 1554 of 21.08.2023 supervision of ASFR passenger rights


  • HG no. 117/2010 for the approval of the Regulation on the investigation of accidents and incidents, on the development and improvement of railway safety on the railways and on the metro transport network in Romania

  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2020/572 of 24 April 2020 on the reporting structure to be followed for railway accident and incident investigation reports


  • OMT no. 1.501/29.10.2014 regarding some measures for the application of the Implementing Regulation (EU) no. 402/2013 of the Commission of April 30, 2013 regarding the common safety method for risk assessment and amending Regulation (EC) no. 352/2009


  • OMTIC no. 909/2020 on measures to apply Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/779 of 16 May 2019 establishing detailed provisions on a certification system for entities responsible for vehicle maintenance pursuant to Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and the Council and repealing Regulation (EU) no. 445/2011 of the Commission


  • HG no. 643/2011 for the approval of the Leasing Conditions by the National Railway Company "CFR" - SA of parts of the non-interoperable railway infrastructure, as well as their management (with subsequent amendments and additions)

  • OMTIC no. 232/2020 for issuing the safety authorization to the administrator / managers of the railway infrastructure in Romania

  • OMTI no. 2302 / 2023 amending OMTIC no. 232 / 2020


  • HG no. 1611/2009 for the approval of the Norms regarding the certification of locomotive drivers who drive locomotives and trains in the Romanian railway system (with subsequent amendments and additions)

  • OMT no. 615/29.04.2015 regarding the approval of the Procedure for obtaining the locomotive driver's license, the Requirements regarding the procedures for issuing and updating the certificate and the Requirements and the procedure for the recognition of persons and bodies (with the amendments of 2018)

  • OMTI no. 1443/2023 for the amendment and completion of OMT no. 615/2015 regarding the approval of the Procedure for obtaining the locomotive driver's license, the Requirements regarding the procedures for issuing and updating the certificate and the Requirements and the procedure for the recognition of persons and bodies


  • OMTCT no. 2262/2005 regarding the Authorization of personnel with traffic safety responsibilities who are to carry out on their own responsibility activities specific to rail transport (consolidated 2016)

  • CENAFER General Director's decision no. 14/18.02.2020 - Conditions and minimum durations of practical training and internship for authorization

  • OMTI nr. 948/2024 pentru aprobarea Normelor privind autorizarea, implementarea și dezvoltarea sistemului de menținere a competențelor profesionale pentru personalul cu responsabilități în siguranța circulației din cadrul operatorilor economici care desfășoară activități specifice transportului cu metroul din România


  • OMTCT no. 1044/2003 on the approval of the Regulation for the designation, professional training and examination of safety advisors for the transport of dangerous goods by road, rail or inland waterways (with subsequent amendments and additions)


  • OMLPTL no. 1186/2001 regarding the approval of the Railway Technical Operation Regulation, no. 002 – RETF (with subsequent changes and additions)


  • OMT no. 103/2008 for the approval of the Instructions for the admission and dispatch of exceptional transports on the railway infrastructure, no. 328


  • OG no. 60/2004 regarding the Regulations relating to the construction, maintenance, repair and operation of railways, other than those administered by the National Railway Company "CFR" SA (approved with modifications by Law no. 402/2004)

  • HG no. 2299/2004 for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the provisions of OG no. 60/2004

  • OMTCT no. 880/2005 regarding the approval of the procedures for applying the provisions of OG 60/2004 AFER Act - CNCF "CFR"-SA no. 1000/10199/2005 - Common regulations regarding the approval by "CFR" and the approval by AFER of RET of LFI

  • OMTI no. 443/2011 for the approval of the "Norms regarding the authorization for putting into operation newly built or modernized industrial railway lines"

  • OMT no. 340/1999 regarding the approval of the Norms for granting the operating authorization, from a technical point of view, of railway stations in operation or on the occasion of their construction, repair or modernization (with subsequent amendments and additions)
  • OMTI no. 17/2024 amending and supplementing OMT no. 340/1999


  • OMT no. 490/2000 for the approval of the Instructions regarding the treatment of defects of critical railway products under warranty, no. 906


  • OMT no. 490 / OMFES. no. 479/2008 for the application of the minimum requirements regarding certain aspects related to the working conditions of mobile workers who provide cross-border interoperability services in the railway sector


  • OG no. 39/2000 for the establishment and sanctioning of contraventions in railway and metro transport operations (approved with modifications by Law no. 200/2003; amended by OG no. 3/2012 which was approved by Law no. 158/2012)

  • OMTI no. 1649/2023 for the establishment of the form, model and content of the special identification cards of the personnel of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and of some institutions subordinate to it, as well as for the establishment of the personnel empowered to ascertain, frame and sanction the contraventional facts produced in the carrying out of the operations of railway and metro transport

  • OG no. 2/12.07.2001 regarding the legal regime of contraventions (with subsequent amendments and additions)


  • OUG no. 8/19.02.2013 regarding the medical and psychological examination of personnel with attributions in transport safety and for the amendment of Law no. 95/2006 on health reform (consolidated)

  • OMTI 1151/ OMS 1752/2021 for the approval of the general framework regarding the medical and psychological examination of personnel with attributions in traffic safety

  • OMT/OMS no. 1257/1391/2013 for the approval of the health scales for transport safety functions and the way in which the fulfillment of these conditions is proved, as well as the list of medical conditions and the contraindications corresponding to the scales for the elaboration of medical certificates for personnel with transport safety attributions


  • Order no. 1572/2018 regarding the Procedure for granting the safety authorization for the operation of metro lines for the transport of passengers


  • OMTCT no. 2261/2005 on the approval of the methodologies for the organization and development of training-qualification programs, improvement and periodic professional verification of the staff who perform activities specific to the development of railway transport (reform 2019)

  • OMTI no. 2381/2022 for the amendment and completion of OMTCT no. 2261/2005


  • OMTI no. 1309/2012 for the approval of the General Rules for maneuvering vehicles with a remote-controlled locomotive or with a shunting machine, with or without remote control, on industrial railways, with subsequent amendments and additions


  • OMT no. 141/1999 regarding the establishment of competences and procedures for the development of specific regulations in railway and metro transport

  • Law no. 24/2000, republished in 2004 , regarding the rules of legislative technique for the elaboration of normative acts


  • OMT no. 141/1999 regarding the establishment of competences and procedures for the development of specific regulations in railway and metro transport
  • Law no. 24/2000, republished in 2004 , regarding the rules of legislative technique for the elaboration of normative acts

Links: - The Government of Romania - Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications - European Railway Agency

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Secretariat: +4021.307.7968

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