Low no. 55/2006 regarding railway safety;
OMT no. 141/15.03.1999 regarding the establishment of competences and procedures for the elaboration of specific regulations in railway and metro transport;
HG no. 643/2011 for the approval of the Rental Conditions by the National Railway Company "C.F.R." - TO. of parts of the non-interoperable railway infrastructure, as well as their management, with subsequent modifications and additions.
Low no. 24/2000, republicată în 2004, privind normele de tehnică legislativă pentru elaborarea actelor normative.
In application of Law no. 55/2006, mandatory national safety rules will be established, which will be published and made available to all infrastructure administrators, railway transport operators, safety certificate applicants and safety authorization applicants, in clear language which can be accessible to the parties involved.
Before joining the European Union, Romania notifies the European Commission of all the national safety regulations in force, established in annex no. 2 to Law no. 55/2006, and indicates their scope and information regarding the main content of the rules, with reference to the legal texts, the form of the legislation and the body or organization responsible for its publication.
At the latest until April 30, 2008, the European Railway Agency evaluates the way in which the national safety rules are published and made known, in accordance with the provisions of para. (1), and makes the appropriate recommendations to the European Commission for their publication, in order to make the relevant information more easily accessible.
Romania shall immediately notify the European Commission of any modification of the national safety rules and of any such new rule that could be adopted, except for the case where the rule refers entirely to the implementation of S.T.I.
In order to limit to a minimum the introduction of new specific national rules and thus to prevent the creation of other barriers, as well as with a view to the gradual harmonization of safety rules, the European Commission monitors the introduction by the member states of new national rules.
If, after the adoption of S.T.I., Romania intends to introduce a new national safety standard, which requires a higher level of safety than S.T.I., or if it intends to introduce a new national safety standard, which may affect the operations of transport operators railway from other member states of the European Union on the territory of Romania, Romania consults all interested parties in time.
In the case of the introduction for examination of a project of a new national safety norm, the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications, at the proposal of the Romanian Railway Safety Authority, presents it to the European Commission, explaining the reasons for its introduction, proceeding as follows:
if the European Commission finds that the draft national safety standard is incompatible with M.S.C. or with the achievement of at least O.S.C. or that it represents a means of arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on rail transport operations between the member states of the European Union, a decision is adopted, addressed to Romania;
if the European Commission has serious doubts about the compatibility of the draft national safety standard with M.S.C. or with the achievement of at least O.S.C. or considers that this represents a means of arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on rail transport operations between member states, the European Commission immediately notifies Romania, which suspends the adoption, entry into force or implementation of the rule until a decision is adopted, in a period of 6 months
The modification or termination of the validity, as the case may be, of the orders, norms, service instructions, instructions and regulations issued by the former Department of Railways or by the National Society of Romanian Railways are made by order of the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications.
Draft regulations regarding traffic safety, transport security, environmental protection and the quality of public products or services in rail, multimodal, combined or metro transport are approved by AFER through the Romanian Railway Safety Authority and forwarded, for approval, to the Ministry Transport, Infrastructure and Communications.
The projects of normative acts initiated by the Romanian Railway Safety Authority are approved by order of the minister, after they have been approved by the specialized departments of the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications.
The Romanian Railway Safety Authority will develop, together with the National Railway Company "C.F.R." - S.A., technical and safety regulations for the movement of trains, specific to the traffic conditions on the non-interoperable railway network, which it will propose to the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications for approval.