- OMTIC no. 932/30.04.2020 on measures for the application of Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/763 of 9 April 2018 establishing the practical methods for issuing single safety certificates for railway companies pursuant to Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and Council and repealing Regulation (EC) no. 653/2007 of the Commission and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/762 of the Commission of March 8, 2018 establishing common safety methods regarding safety management system requirements, based on Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Regulations (EU) no. 1,158/2010 and (EU) no. 1.169/2010 of the Commission and the issuance of unique safety certificates to railway transport operators for the performance of railway passenger and/or freight transport services on railways in Romania
- IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) NO. 402/2013 OF THE COMMISSION of April 30, 2013 regarding the common safety method for risk assessment and amending Regulation (EC) no. 352/2009
- OMT no. 1.501/29.10.2014 regarding some measures for the application of the Implementing Regulation (EU) no. 402/2013 of the Commission of April 30, 2013 regarding the common safety method for risk assessment and amending Regulation (EC) no. 352/2009
- OUG no. 73/2019 regarding railway safety
- Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/762 of 8 March 2018 establishing common safety methods on safety management system requirements pursuant to Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Regulations (EU) no. 1158/2010 and (EU) no. 1169/2010 of the Commission
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/763 of 9 April 2018 laying down practical arrangements for issuing single safety certificates for railway undertakings pursuant to Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Regulation (EC) no. 653/2007 of the Commission
- Regulation (EU) no. 1078/2012 on a common safety method for the monitoring to be applied by railway undertakings and infrastructure managers after receiving a safety certificate or safety authorisation, as well as entities responsible for maintenance
The authority responsible for granting safety certification in Romania is the Romanian Railway Safety Authority.
Except for the cases provided for in art. 10 para. (9) of Directive (EU) 2016/798 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 regarding railway safety (reform), access to the railway infrastructure in Romania is granted exclusively to railway transport operators who hold the unique safety certificate issued by the Agency European Union for Railways (Agency) in accordance with art. 10 para. (5) - (7) from Directive (EU) 2016/798 or by the Romanian Railway Safety Authority in accordance with para. (8).
The railway transport operator requests the Agency to issue a single safety certificate when the intended operating area covers the territory of a member state, which may or may not be the territory of Romania, or of several member states, which may or may not include the territory of Romania.
Without prejudice to the above, the railway transport operator may request the Romanian Railway Safety Authority to issue a single safety certificate when the intended operating area is exclusively the territory of Romania.
The objective of the single safety certificate is to prove that the railway transport operator in question has established its own safety management system and that it is capable of carrying out safe operations in the intended area of operation.
The request for the issuance of the single safety certificate addressed to the Agency or the Romanian Railway Safety Authority, as the case may be, as well as information on all requests, the stages of the relevant procedures and their results, as well as, if applicable, the requests and decisions of the commission for resolving appeals are transmitted through the single counter provided for in art. 12 of Regulation (EU) 2016/796.
The practical methods that must be applied by railway transport operators that carry out passenger and/or freight rail transport services, defined in art. 3 point 25 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 73/2019 regarding railway safety, when submitting applications for the issuance of single safety certificates, their renewal or updating/modification, as well as the methods to be applied to the evaluation of these applications by the Romanian Railway Safety Authority - ASFR, hereinafter referred to as ASFR , and the European Union Agency for Railways are established by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/763 of 9 April 2018.
A unique safety certificate granted by the Romanian Railway Safety Authority is valid for a maximum of 5 years.
During the validity of the single safety certificates, it is necessary to comply with the requirements that were the basis of their granting, and during the validity of the single safety certificates, the Romanian Railway Safety Authority will carry out audit and state inspection actions regarding the compliance with the specific regulations in force and the verification of the fulfillment of the requirements that were the basis of their granting or modification, based on the agreements concluded with the railway transport operators and a tariff approved by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.
When, following the surveillance activities carried out on the basis of the agreement concluded by ASFR with the railway transport operator, it is found that the certification requirements are no longer met, the national rules or the specific regulations of the European Union are not respected, or a serious risk is identified that affects safety, ASFR can, motivated, according to the provisions of art. 17 para. (1) and (2) of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 73/2019 on railway safety:
a) to take temporary safety measures - the immediate restriction or suspension of the relevant operations;
b) to take measures to restrict or revoke the single safety certificate, when ASFR has issued the certificate;
c) to propose to the European Union Agency for Railways the restriction or revocation of the single safety certificate, when it issued the certificate.
In case of suspension or withdrawal of the railway transport license of a railway transport operator, ASFR immediately restricts or revokes, as the case may be, the unique safety certificate of the operator in question.
During the period of validity of the restriction of some elements of the single safety certificate according to art. 4 para. (2) lit. c) from OMTIC no. 932/2020, the rail transport operator in question can no longer provide rail transport services for the elements that fall under the non-conformities.
After the revocation of the single safety certificate, the rail transport operator in question can no longer perform rail transport services.
The restriction period of the single safety certificate does not extend its validity period.
A railway transport operator requests the renewal of the single safety certificate that was issued by the Romanian Railway Safety Authority or the Agency, as the case may be. The Romanian Railway Safety Authority renews the single safety certificate if the applicant meets the provisions of GEO no. 73/2019.
For each substantial change in the type or scope of the operation, the railway transport operator requests the update of the single safety certificate.
The Romanian Railway Safety Authority reviews the unique safety certificates issued in accordance with GEO no. 73/2019 following substantial changes to the regulatory framework in the field of safety.
The Romanian Railway Safety Authority notifies the Agency, without delay and, in any case, within two weeks, regarding the issuance of a unique safety certificate.
The Romanian Railway Safety Authority immediately notifies the renewal, modification or revocation of a unique safety certificate.
Rail transport operators establish their own safety management systems, according to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/762 of 8 March 2018, to ensure that the rail system can achieve at least OSC, that it is in compliance with safety requirements described in the TSI, as well as that the relevant parts of the MSC and of the national norms notified in accordance with art. 8 of GEO no. 73/2019.
The safety management system is adapted to the type of operation, the scope of the operation, the operating area and other conditions of the activity carried out. It ensures the control of all risks associated with the activity of the railway transport operator, including the provision of maintenance works, materials, as well as the use of contractors.
The safety management system takes into account, in cases where this is appropriate and possible, the risks arising from the activities of other factors.
By May 31 of each year, railway transport operators submit a safety report for the previous calendar year to the Romanian Railway Safety Authority.
The safety report contains:
a) information on how the safety objectives of the railway transport operator are achieved and the results of the safety plan;
b) a report on the development of national safety indicators and ISC provided for in art. 5 of GEO no. 73/2019, insofar as it is relevant for the reporting railway transport operator;
c) the results of internal safety audits;
d) observations regarding the deficiencies and dysfunctions of railway operations and infrastructure administration that could be relevant for the Romanian Railway Safety Authority;
e) a report on the application of the relevant MSCs.