Promotion exams


The Romanian Railway Safety Authority - ASFR, with headquarters in Calea Griviței no. 393, Sector 1, Bucharest, in accordance with the framework Regulation on the organization and career development of contractual staff in the budgetary sector paid from public funds approved by GD no. 1336/2022, with subsequent amendments and additions, organizes a promotion exam on 15.05.2024 in the following positions:

1. Promotion to the position of EXPERT grade I (higher studies), through the transformation of the position of EXPERT grade II from the list of functions of the FINANCIAL, SALARIES AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT.

2. Promotion to the position of EXPERT grade I (higher studies), through the transformation of the position of EXPERT grade II from the State of functions of the ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE;

3. Promotion to the position of EXPERT grade IA (higher studies), by transforming the position of EXPERT grade I from the State of functions of the ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE;

4. Promotion to the position of ECONOMIST grade III (higher studies), by transforming the position of REFERENT level IA from the State of functions of the RU, MC, SSM, SU SERVICE;

5. Promotion to the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade IA (higher studies), by transforming the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade I (higher studies) from the position of the TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPERVISION SERVICE;

6. Promotion to the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade I (higher studies), through the transformation of the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade II (higher studies) from the staff of ISF TIMIȘOARA;

7. Promotion to the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade I (higher studies), by transforming the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade II (higher studies) from the staff of ISF CRAIOVA;

8. Promotion to the position of EXPERT grade II (higher studies), by transforming the position of EXPERT grade III (higher studies) from the staff of the PERSONAL CERTIFICATION/RECOGNITION/AUTHORIZATION DEPARTMENT OF TRAINING CENTERS;

9. Promotion to the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade IA (higher studies), by transforming the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade I (higher studies) from the position of the ISF CLUJ Department;

10. Promotion to the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade IA (higher studies), by transforming the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade I (higher studies) from the position of the RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EVALUATION SERVICE;

11. Promotion to the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade IA (higher studies), by transforming the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade I (higher studies) from the position of the RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EVALUATION SERVICE;

12. Promotion to the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade IA (higher studies), by transforming the position of STATE INSPECTOR grade I (higher studies) from the position of the RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM EVALUATION SERVICE

Promotion is done by exam.

The promotion exam is held at the headquarters of the Romanian Railway Safety Authority - ASFR, no. 393, Sector 1, Bucharest, and consists of supporting a written evidence.

Date, time and place of the exam – 15.05.2024, 10:00 a.m., at the headquarters of the Romanian Railway Safety Authority – ASFR, the exam room will be set one day before the exam.

The announcement containing the Theme and the Bibliography

Registration form

Links: - The Government of Romania - Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications - European Railway Agency

Calea Grivitei, Nr.393, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania
Secretariat: +4021.307.7968

Accounting : +4021.307.6886
Invoicing : +4021.307.6898